Saturday, May 29, 2010

Of Montreal

Of Montreal has a concert tonight in Philly!
I wish I were going.
But I'm in upstate New York
And therefore have no ride.

Yesterday was my last day of school
But because I had to go visit family I wasn't allowed to do anything particularly fun with friends.
I did get to watch Little Miss Sunshine last night (or I guess it was this morning) though.
I wish I knew someone like Dwayne.

I love my family, but I wish I were home right now because I've been wanting to paint so badly lately.
I just bought a brand new set of Winsor & Newton oil paints!
I haven't had the chance to use them yet but I can't wait!
I've never painted in oils before; my usual medium is watercolor
So I'm not sure what my first oil painting will end up looking like,
But I'm excited to find out.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yesterday on the way home I stopped at the outlets and looked in Sunglass Hut.
I've always loved Ray-Bans.
I'm not sure what it is about them that makes them so fantastic.
Someday, when I actually have money I'm going to buy lots of them.
For now though, I'll just keep torturing myself by stopping in Sunglass Hut and trying all of them on.
I've decided that I NEED a pair of these.
I'm going to (attempt to) save up enough money to buy a pair.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Whip It

I'm a little bit unhealthily obsessed with the movie Whip It.
I can't understand how anyone would be able to not be though!
It's so fantastically quirky and all of the characters in it have their own odd charm.

Things that made me love Whip It:
1. Bliss
I wish I were Bliss Cavendar.
I'm not sure what it is about her that makes her so alluring.
Her clothes are gorgeously vintage; after I watched Whip It for the first time I was inspired to buy vintage combat boots and I still go looking for clothes like hers far too much.

2. Oliver
My longing to be Bliss is further enticed by the fact that she dates Oliver a.k.a. Landon Pigg.
Not only is he gorgeous, but he also has an amazing voice.
In Whip It he's a part of The Dirty Templetons which is a combination of Landon Pigg and Turbo Fruits.  I wish they would just combine in real life because they would be incredible.

3. Iron Maven
Although cast as the antagonist, for some reason I still love Maven.
I think it's because of her confidence.
Her hair is so gross and grimy that it actually looks good.
Her clothes are trashy and she wears too much eye make up,
but somehow she manages to pull it off.
Pretty well too.

4. Every single other person in the movie
Even the minor characters were awesome.
Sometimes you would only see someone for a couple of seconds but somehow you would still be able to tell what his/her personality was like.
They always seemed like someone I would love to be friends with.

5. Bodeen, Texas
Bodeen is such a beautiful town.
Everything seems dusty and nothing is pure white, only smooth creams.
It seems like nothing ever changes there.
Hypothetically, I would love to live there.
Realistically, I probably wouldn't.
But I do still want to sit on that giant pig on top of the Oink Joint.
Even though it isn't in Bodeen, the vintage shop in Austin that Bliss goes into to buy her boots is excellent too.
I really want to go there sometime if it's real.

6. The Clothing
I've already talked about it a bit, but it's so fantastic I feel like I need to reiterate.
I want every article of clothing that Bliss wears.
I wish I could pull off all of the clothes Maven wears.
I wish I did roller derby so I could wear the sleazy derby outfits.
(but I checked and the 21 or older rule is real so I wont be on the track for a while)

7. The Soundtrack!
The music is SO GOOD!
I went and found every single song, not just the ones they sell on the soundtrack CD.
I've downloaded most of them.
My favorites are the ones without vocals like The Road To Austin by The Section Quartet.

I wish I were Bliss Cavendar.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Boarding School Life

I go to a boarding school in Pennsylvania.  I live here even though it's only 15 minutes from my house.  This is boarding school life:
-Saturday morning classes
-Nantucket red
-Assigned seats in the dining hall
-Overly preppy girls with long, straight hair
-Overly preppy boys with a lacrosse obsession and hair "flow" during lacrosse season
-Required chapel twice during the week and on some Sundays
-Shorts with at least 5 inch inseams for girls (from J.Crew of course)
-Lacrosse pinnies with khaki shorts (usually pastel colored) for boys
-Blazers and oxford shirts during school (with ties for boys)
-Constant worries about college
-No (allowed) cell phone use outside of dorms
-Night study hall
-Gossip that spreads like wildfire
-Required attendance to speeches
-Never enough sleep
-Never-ending days